Bar and Sole Rasps
Bar & Sole RaspsTM
Convex Rasping Tools for Removing Excess Horn from Bars and Sole
horn of the hoof sole in domestic horses often becomes deteriorated or
grows excessively thick in some areas. The Bar & Sole Rasps provide
you with an additional means of cleaning out decayed horn to promote
optimal hoof health. These rasps have a varied curve that provides
multiple ways to grip and apply the aspects of their active surface.
This shape allows you to clean both the broader arc of the sole and the
tighter curves near the bars and heels. In addition, all versions have
a tapered point for picking, cleaning and scraping. It easily chops
packed dirt from the sole and effectively scrapes grit out of the
grooves along the sides of the frog or from cracks in the white line
and wall. There are several one and two hand grips for these actions.
Using the point in this way prevents you from dulling your hoof knife,
nippers, and flat hoof rasp on sand or gravel embedded in the white
line. The Bar & Sole Rasps are easier to use than a hoof knife and
give you more precise, gradual control as you remove unhealthy or
excess horn from the sole and bars. They can be used in either one or
two hand grips. All Bar & Sole Rasps can be re-sharpened using our special Honing Pad.
Why two Sole Rasps?
The SR-1, with a white handle, has pointed rasp teeth that are particularly useful in smoothing rough and deteriorated sole horn. The SR-2, with a black handle, has 'knife-like' teeth that shave rather than scrape, creating a smoother surface. So the two rasps are often used in sequence to attain the best results. Each rasp has a different 'feel' so some trimmers will prefer one over the other.
The Sole Rasp-1-- Rasp Tooth Version
The SR-1 'Original' has standard pointed rasp teeth and a white plastic handle. These teeth can 'grind down' bumps and ridges but leave a somewhat coarse finish to the sole horn.
The Sole Rasp-2 'PRO' -- Knife Tooth Version
The SR-2 'PRO" has curved, knife-like teeth and a black plastic handle. These teeth shave rather than scrap away sole horn, leaving a smoother surface and thus the most uniform finish to sole horn than does the SR-1.